Monday, 15 March 2010


This was one of the winners from the D&AD awards and is a poster to mark Charles Darwins 200th birthday. And was designed by Hat-Trick Design Consultants, i really like the concept of this design. Creating one picture of Darwin using lots of smaller pictures which symbolize his life. I think the way the illustration is one single line works really and gives it a solid style.
This is a pop up book designed by the illustrator Owen Gatley i found this piece on Just Us Collective. I think this pop up book has a very modern view on pop ups and really works well, the story portrays a young boy walking a dog who's imagination runs away with him. The use of a solid bright colour as the pages of the book really lets things leap off the page.
This piece of work is an illustrative piece that won the illustration category for the 2009 northern designers competition. I think this piece of work is very interesting and i always find work that has used a lot of imagination is interesting because it has the personality of the designer in the piece. I like the sketchy and jumbled up feel to this work.

Monday, 8 February 2010

This is a poster and flyer for a house music event, The imagery used in the poster is my own photography from inside a glacier in the french alps. I really like the colour and the shapes of the ice, that is the main feature to my design.


This is a re-design of a Bulgarian wine by the Graphic Designer Jordan Jelev. The original artwork for this bottle was screen-printed by Rotoprint in Bulgaria. The colours in this design is really different to usual wine designs and the type used has great large round serifs which i think gives it an interesting look. The texture on the type is created by a uv varnish and puff up varnish, this gives the label an extra touch of class in a very modern design.

This is packaging for a lager from XXXX which is based around being a summer drink which is enjoyed in a hot climate. The lager is a very light lager and is inspired from beach culture. This is shown very well in the design. The hand drawn relaxed illustrated style really shows this. The design is informal and this suits the type of product it is. I personally like the way the type is nearly the same colour as the lager itself, very subtle design.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Here are illustrations from Adam Haynes, i really like the style of his work and the mixture of nature and man made things. The work is done in acrylic on wood. The style is very detailed and the limited colour palette gives the work a nice look. You can find this at